Website Design & Development

Website Design and Development is at the core of the Jeff Byer Inc service offering. Your website should not only look good; it needs to perform well and be comfortable for your audience to use. With a combination of creativity and engineering, our web design solutions are built specifically for you to grow your business.

Talk to Us
web design and development experts

Start With A Web Design Plan

Building a useful website, focus on growing your business, requires research and defining your goals. In steps 1, 2, and 3 of the Jeff Byer Inc web design process we collect the data needed so that we can create for you an informed design. Using the content outline, we create a flowchart and wireframes for landing pages to identify the required interface elements.

Website Development

Programming quality and clarity are essential to the health and authority of your website. Building custom tools to automate your business tasks will increase your efficiency and promote business growth. Our development services are fast and efficient because we focus on an optimized developer experience.


Full Stack Web Development

Full Stack Web Development is the ability to program the back end, or the server-side of a website as well as the front end, client-facing interface. On the server side, your site will connect to a database for storing data and managing administrative logins and tasks. On the front end, your website design will come to life with animation and interaction feedback that encourages engagement.


Front End Web Development

Your front end website programming will run your interface, interactions, and animation. Your front end will include your user interface (UI), website design, and user experience (UI). Font end programming uses resources from the website visitors device, as well as the server, for fast and efficient rendering. Our front-end programming typically consists of HTML5, Sass, CSS3, Javascript. Jeff Byer Inc uses preprocessors to compress and optimize your website code to increase performance and reduce load times.

Static Website Rendering Increases Your Performance and SEO Rank Factors

Performance and rendering are essential for your website programming. We take the time to reduce on-demand server-side processes by rendering data resources to static files. This process allows us to deliver a usable interface faster and more compatible than the most popular content systems such as Wordpress. We also utilize the latest server and cloud technologies, such as HTTP/2 and Content Delivery Networks (CDN), to ensure speed and reliability of resource delivery.

Using JAMstack to Build the Modern Web

JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs, and Markup) is a modern web development architecture that allows developers to build fast, secure, and scalable websites. It is based on the idea of using JavaScript as the programming language of choice for front-end development and leveraging APIs to access data from the back-end. Additionally, JAMstack websites are built using static HTML markup to create a website that is faster to render and more secure than traditional dynamic websites. With JAMstack development, developers can create highly performant websites with minimal effort. What is Jamstack?

Server Side Website Programming

Server-side programming also referred to as the back end, is the apps and scripts that use server resources to process tasks and report results. Your project will contain server-side routines that inform the front end, or client-side interface, of data or calculations from the server process. Server processes can also run routine tasks for managing data between apps and systems. For Example, we run a nightly routine that exports the website contact and quote requests for the day, then sends them to our CRM API and emails a quick alert with a daily summary. Our server side functions are mostly written in Node and run on AWS Lamdas or Microsoft Azure Functions.

Custom Applications To Automate Your Business Processes

Many of your back-end processes will deal with user data and website analytics. These processes are isolated, so they do not affect the front end interface. Analytic data and user-submitted content can run regular routines to automate your business processes. Common Jeff Byer Inc automation website programming tasks include linking data to a CRM, processing transactions, delivering marketing messages, and sending reports to shareholders.

The Technical Stuff

For the more discerning technical connoisseurs, we have a list of platforms and languages we prefer and what we support.

Our Main Stack:

  • Node
  • Next JS
  • Sanity
  • Algoliia
  • Framer Motion
  • Markdown
  • SASS / CSS Modules
  • Next PWA
  • Intersection Observer


  • Sendgrid Email API / Marketing integration
  • Netlify
  • AWS Amplify / Lambda / SES
  • Azure Static Web Apps
  • Git / Github / Github Actions
  • Google Analytics / Search Console / Ads tracking
  • Bing Clarity / Webmaster tools / Ads tracking
  • Salesforce / Pardot integration

We support:

  • Shopify / Liquid
  • Golang
  • Hugo
  • Forestry
  • Linux / Apache / MySQL / PHP
  • Wordpress
  • JQuery
  • Pug
  • Styled Components